Sunday, 25 September 2011

My, aren't you Naut-ty!

Hello Sailor!

Picture the scene. You are getting ready for your very first cruise. So what do you wear? What clothes are fashionable on a cruise? How to select cruise clothing for life onboard ship?
In the past, your first thought, when selecting cruise clothes or dressing for a cruise, might be relatively formal, particularly for dinner and evening wear; evening gowns, cocktail dresses, lounge suits, tuxedos or dinner jackets.
So the emphasis on cruises these days is firmly on casual wear. After all cruises are not all that expensive these days if you take advantage of non-peak seasons
It may be a bit of a cliche, but why not plan your cruise clothing around a nautical fashion look? Think saucy sailor or french matelot. Choose clothes in navy blue with white stripes  and a dashing of red for example.

The great thing about the nautical fashion look is it can be expressed in anything from a bikini, through shorts or sundress to a more formal dress or a warm greatcoat for chilly evenings on deck. Accessories too from bags, shoes, broaches and other jewelry can all reflect that ocean-going feel. Cruise clothing inspired by a uniforms are smart but can also be sexy and sassy. The sailor suit is a classic example of nautical fashion.
In the morning, a nautical mini dress together with a swift walk around the deck to get your lungs filled with sea air could be a great way to start your first full day afloat.If its cold on deck then wear the dress with some slacks, trousers or leggings. A good choice would be navy bell bottomed pants to keep the nautical theme going. After breakfast, if its warm enough, then replace the trousers with shorts or dispense with the trousers all together.

If you fancy sunning yourself by the pool or taking a dip then look out for a suitable bikini or swimsuit.Show your true colours is a well worn Naval expression. Remember just because you are thinking sailor it doesn't need to be blue. Bold red strips can be equally salty! Talking of swimwear, do remember that even if the sea breeze makes you feel cool, the sun will burn just as much on a ship as ashore. Do limit your time exposed to the sun and use high factor sun lotion or sun blocker. Oh and high waist-ed bottoms are very IN this season, perfect for hiding that roll of mishap.

Ahh-hoy, Karen.


  1. Karen this is such a great post!! I adore anything nautical anytime or season. You have put together a great selection. Have great day darling. Dawn Suitcase Vignettes xo

  2. these are all perfect but I'm especially crushing on all the dresses! x Raman

  3. These are adorable dresses (makes me want to dress up like a sailor for Halloween!) Fun to find new blogs-looking forward to following along!

  4. Oh Dear! I'm totally in love with those dresses!

    Let's follow each other? :)

  5. All these dresses are so cute! My favorite is the red one. Lovely blog. Following:)

  6. Those dresses are all so cute!

    Lindsey Turner
